CGP News

Measuring prosperity
The Measuring prosperity working group will meet regularly every second months starting on May 19. If you wish to follow-up and engage with the working group, feel free to contact Gabrielle Bieser at [email protected]
Digital governance
If you wish to follow-up and engage with the working group of the digital governance with Dennis J. Snower and Paul Twomey, feel free to contact Paul at [email protected]
Report on Empowering Digital Citizens
CGP News Digest
CGP Workshop series
- CGP welcomes THE NEW INSTITUTE as a new member
- CGP member institute convened at the Global Solutions Summit 2022
- CGP member institutes convene at Global Solutions Summit
- 20 Solutions for the G2
- The G20 summit was more successful than you think
- U.S. Government’s Decision on Paris Climate Agreement Irresponsible
- T20 institutes launch Africa Standing Group
- The Think 20 Summit begins – Livestream
- T20 Innovation Forum Hangzhou: New Supply, New Driver & New Cooperation, Shaping the Future through STI
- Companies plead for a circular economy
- T20 Mumbai: Dialogue on the Emerging World Economy
- T20 Task Force on Forced Migration urges G20 to assure the economic integration of forced migrants in host countries
- B20, C20 and T20 Climate and Energy Working Groups: Statement for a sustainable energy transition
- G20-Groups plead for open societies
- What will be in the focus of G20/T20 Germany?
- How to make the G20 more relevant to the lives of people