
Compliance at the Global Solutions Initiative: Whistleblower Portal

Confidential reporting of information

Welcome to the whistleblower form of the Global Solutions Initiative Foundation gGmbH (GSI). This site was created in accordance with the German Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz / HinSchG).

The form below serves as a communications channel for reports concerning serious violations of our internal company code of conduct and rules as well as applicable laws. For a report to be processed, it must be related to the work of GSI.

The following circumstances can be reported in particular:

  • Corruption and bribery
  • Embezzlement, fraud, misappropriation
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Sexual misconduct and sexual exploitation
  • Violations of human rights
  • Violations of environment-related obligations

After receipt, all reports are carefully evaluated and handled confidentially by our Compliance Office (Rechtsanwalt Mathias Link). We recommend that the reported facts are backed up with as much information as possible and that contact information is provided for possible queries. If you would like to remain anonymous, please do not submit any personal information, e.g., your name or relationship with those involved.

By submitting your report, you are helping us to prevent or remedy damages at an early stage within and outside our organization. We would like to thank you for this support.

Please note: General complaints (e.g. regarding tenders or recruitment procedures) that are not related to serious breaches of conduct, rules or laws should be addressed to the relevant contacts within the company.

Security Advice

We ensure the technical protection of the content shared by you, including your identity. To further enhance your security, please follow these instructions:

  • If you would like to remain anonymous, please do not submit any personal information, e.g., your name or relationship with those involved. Also, please do not submit any information that can be traced back to you.
  • If possible, do not submit your report through a technical device (e.g. PC, laptop, smartphone) provided by your employer. In particular, using an intranet connection may jeopardize your anonymity.
  • Enter the link to the whistleblowing page directly in the address bar of your browser and, if necessary, bookmark it to access the page again later.
  • Make sure that your internet connection is secure, which is indicated by the lock symbol next to the address bar.
Compliance Form

Choose a category *

Please select a category from the following list that best fits the focus of your report. Then click the "Continue" button.

If you wish to report on a topic that is not included in the listed categories, your report may be rejected.

For a detailed explanation and examples of your selection, please click the information button.

Please note that you will be voluntarily giving up your anonymity.

Please answer the following questions in order to optimize processing your report even if you have already provided the answers in the text field above:

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1 You hereby agree that the personal data provided may be used for the purpose of updates on the Global Solutions Initiative by the Global Solutions Initiative Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH. Your consent is revocable at any time (by e-mail to contact@global-solutions-initiative.org or to the contact data given in the imprint). The update is sent in accordance with the privacy policy and to advertise the Global Solutions Initiative’s own products and services.