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Claudia Brüninghaus
Head of Activities & Events
Claudia heads our small team of professional host. Together, they care for the best possible experience of all participants, speakers and stakeholders at the Global Solutions Initiative’s events – online and offline.
After studying cultural- and communication sciences in Münster, Bordeaux and Eindhoven, Claudia topped her education as PR and events manager off with a trainee at the German newspaper Die Zeit. Afterwards, she joined The Stuttgart Ballet as a PR manager, supporting the company’s web presence, tours and introductory talks.
As of 2013, Claudia headed the Körber Foundation’s event forum in the Hamburg Harbour until moving to Berlin in 2017. In the German capital, she continued with what she jokingly calls three 50% jobs: as a freelance moderator, a participant experience manager with the Falling Walls Foundation and mum to two kids. She joined the Global Solutions Initiative in 2021.