
Global Tables on Migration and Young Societies

At the core of the Digital Global Solutions Summit are Global Tables, each tackling the T20 and G20 agenda as well as generating policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Global Tables are filled with keynotes, discussions, interviews and impulse statements by high-ranking representatives from research, politics, business and civil society.

The demographic structure of G20 countries differs significantly: Aging societies, such as Japan or European countries face significant challenges for their welfare states and the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies. Young societies, such as Turkey or Saudi Arabia, face significant challenges with youth unemployment and the school-to-work transition. This Global Table will address policy responses for aging and young societies, the interconnection of these, as well as the role of migration in shaping future societies.

Mehmet Şimşek
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey

Luiz de Mello



Güven Sak
The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey


Astrid Skala-Kuhmann
T20 Task Force Co-Chair


Naoyuki Yoshino
T20 Co-Chair Japan


Moderator: Matthias Lücke
Kiel Institute for the World Economy


Naoyuki Yoshino
T20 Co-Chair Japan






Following the large increase in the number of refugees and other migrants applying for asylum in Europe in 2015-16, EU Member States have been engaged in highly divisive debates about how to reform the EU’s asylum and refugee policies. To debate and decide on competing ideas about policy reform, it is crucial that we understand better the public’s preferences for the various different dimensions of asylum and refugee policies. What asylum and refugee policies do Europeans want, and why? How does the design of asylum and refugee policies affect public support and opposition? How do the answers to these questions vary across European countries? And what are the implications for policy debates in Europe and beyond?

MEDAM researchers have analyzed public attitudes to asylum and refugee policies in eight EU Member States: Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, and Sweden. Their findings show remarkable similarities in public policy preferences across European countries: Europeans want to protect refugees but prefer a policy approach that sets limits and conditions. And as long as there are elements of control, the findings show that even individuals with low trust in European institutions can systematically support policies that provide protection and assistance to refugees.

The aim of this Global Table is to discuss the available evidence on public preferences for asylum and refugee policies and consider the implications for policy-making. The debate will also shed light on how Europeans’ attitudes to asylum and refugee protection compare to public policy preferences in other regions of the world, and address the implications for non-European G20 countries.

Martin Ruhs
European University Institute

Asli Okyay
Istituto Affari Internazionali, Italy

Franziska Brantner
Member of the German Parliament


Martin Ruhs
European University Institute


Roberto Suro
University of Southern California

Moderator: Tom Nuttall
The Economist

Policy Recommendations, Policy Briefs and Articles

Policy Briefs on Migration and Young Societies

Policy Briefs contain recommendations and visions and cover policy ares that are of interest to G20 policymakers. The majority of the Policy Briefs has been developed by a corresponding T20 Task Force.

T20 Recommendations Report: Aging Population and Its Economic Impact, and Immigration

Compiled by Juliane Stein-Zalai (IfW Kiel), Katharina Lima de Miranda (IfW Kiel) and Dennis Görlich (IfW Kiel)

Contributions by the Young Global Changers

Ninety young people from around the world were selected to participate in the Global Solutions Summit as Young Global Changers. These young changemakers from academica, business and civil society will contribute and debate in their various working groups on the Summit topics.

Statement Video on Migration and Young Society by the 2020 YGCs

Take a look at the video with statements and questions by the YGC Working Group on Migration and Young Society.

Related Projects by the 2020 YGCs

The Young Global Changers work on projects and initiatives that are pushing for change.

Explore the Digital Global Solutions Summit 2020

You can navigate to content related to the Global Solutions Summit here. Discover the T20 agenda, an overview of all Global Tables, meet the speakers and read the latest issue of the Global Solutions Journal. Also navigate to the G20 Insights Platform offers policy proposals to the G20: The Policy Briefs, produced by Task Forces from the Think20 (T20) Group and other sources, are clustered in policy areas and describe either recommendations or visions.


Sessions focus on the G20 and T20 agenda and also address the political response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Underlying all topics is the narrative on Recoupling.

Overview »


Global Tables shape the program of this Summit. With a specific focus within a topic area they consist of keynotes and panel discussions, supplemented by vision statements. Participants are invited to contribute to the contents. 

All Global Tables »


The Global Solutions Summit is a meeting of global problem solvers, including thought leaders and decision-makers from research, politics, business and civil society.

All Speakers »


The Journal for this Summit provides a bridge between visions, recommend­ations and action. Find articles from academics as well as from implementers.

Previous issues »

Policy Briefs

The G20 Insights Platform offers policy proposals to the G20. It is  an initiative of the T20 Engagement Group. 

G20 Insights »

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about the Digital Global Solutions Summit 2020 and its program, please contact us at contact@global-solutions-initiative.org.

As a media representative please contact press@global-solutions-initiative.org for more information. Please also note our press kitpress releases and comments published on the Digital Global Solutions Summit 2020.

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