
Enhancing G7 Leadership In Global Climate Action


Accounting for around 40 per cent of the world’s economy, 30 per cent of its energy demandand 25 per cent of energy system CO2 emissions, the G7 is called to play a leading role inbuilding consensus towards implementing the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement. This policybrief argues for the urgency for the G7 to intensify its climate ambition, enhance compliance,and ensure policy coherence to maintain its leadership in global climate action. Emphasizingclimate finance and gender inclusiveness as crucial levers, the brief highlights the strategic roleof Africa as an essential partner in achieving an effective climate just transition. In both cases,the brief demonstrates the necessity of concrete policy reforms and measures for the G7 toadopt and implement. On the one hand, creating fiscal space through new and better finance isfundamental to African countries to deploy proper climate-resilient measures; on the other, thepromotion of gender-responsive just transitions led by the G7 has the potential to impact theglobal transition to low carbon and net-zero significantly.

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