Christian Albrekt Larsen (CAL) has specialised in the question of how to build social coherent societies in open economies and multicultural settings. The academic work of CAL demonstrates that the institutional structure behind the “Nordic model” still provides a promising answer to this fundamental question of social science. Internationally, CAL is known for his work on how institutions, especially universal welfare schemes, enhance public support for anti-poverty policies and social trust. The issue of migration and assimilation into Northern European host countries is prominent in CALs’ current project portfolio. CAL published "Migrants' Attitudes and the Welfare State: The Danish Melting Pot" in 2021 (Edward Elgar, co-authored) and "Migrants and Welfare States: Balancing Dilemmas in Northern Europe" in 2022 (Edward Elgar, editor). In the national Danish context CAL has contributed with two books about long-term unemployment (2003, 2009, co-authored), two books about national identity and attitudes to migrants (2008, 2016), a book about the politics of welfare reforms (2004, co-authored) and a book about universalism (2015, co-authored). CAL has received a Danish Sapere Aude II research leader elite grant (2012-2015) and a Fulbright grant (2015-2016). CAL was a member of the Danish national research council for social science (2015 – 2021).