
Global Tables on Policy Responses to COVID-19

At the core of the Digital Global Solutions Summit are Global Tables, each tackling the T20 and G20 agenda as well as generating policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Global Tables are filled with keynotes, discussions, interviews and impulse statements by high-ranking representatives from research, politics, business and civil society.

The far-reaching measures enacted by most countries worldwide to contain the COVID-19 pandemic have massive consequences for the economies. The situation affects almost every enterprise, regardless of whether it caters local communities or the global economy. The effects spread across countries as tightly knit global production networks are interrupted. Countries have different capacities to absorb the shock and counter it with fiscal policy. Not only the nature of a pandemic is global as it does not stop at borders; the tight integration of the world economy make the economic fall-out a global challenge to solve. The G20, as flexible forum of the world’s richest and most powerful countries, has a major role in stabilising the world economy: in coordinating fiscal and monetary responses, in helping developing country partners to manage the crisis, and in giving guidance and vision in these challenging times. Can the G20 live up to this task?

Peter Altmaier
German Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy

What can the G20 do to foster international economic cooperation to overcome the COVID-19 crisis and to restore economic growth?

Paolo Magri
ISPI, Italy

Irene Natividad
Global Summit of Women

David Sloan Wilson
Binghamton University, USA


Jean Pisani-Ferry
European University Institute

Moderator: Sabine Christiansen
Journalist & Media Entrepreneur


Paola Subacchi
Queen Mary University of London

Sean Cleary
Future World Foundation & Global Solutions Initiative Special Advisor

Henrietta Moore
University College London

The COVID 19 pandemic has once again shown that we need everyone to get involved in a massive effort to keep the world safe. Researchers are working at high speed to understand new viruses, develop treatments and vaccines to curb pandemics and prevent future outbreaks. With COVID-19 new forms of collaboration have emerged for scientists around the world to share results much faster than during any previous outbreaks. With leadership by the G20 and the World Health Organization (WHO), science and other actors crucial for global health have to take a collective and non-discriminative responsibility to support such a form of global governance.

Elhadj As Sy
Kofi Annan Foundation


Christian Drosten
Charité, Germany


Ilona Kickbusch
World Health Summit


David Loew
Sanofi Pasteur, Switzerland


Sabine Christiansen
Journalist & Media Entrepreneur

Maria Flachsbarth
German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

In this final decade for realizing the Sustainable Development Goals and in light of the yet unfolding economic and social impacts of the pandemic, it essential to take a multi-disciplinary and inclusive approach to the response and recovery discussions aimed at identifying strategic pathways for our global, national, and regional leaders. The key objective of this session is to help articulate the perspectives of the Global South on the immediate issues, risks and consequences of the current and future pandemics, broadly defined, within the G20 member countries and across the Global South. This discussion is important, as we work on policy responses to address the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 and other emerging pandemics. 

This Global Table will address key issues, propose solutions, and draw on lessons of experience where relevant. The multi-disciplinary panel of experts and leaders will discuss the social and economic impacts of the pandemic as well as policy solutions in the following areas: Health as a global public good; social cohesion, macroeconomic resilience, and microeconomic impacts; and social and economic resilience and the importance of a gender lens.

Stephen Karingi

Sandro Galea
Boston University

Alex Ezeh
Drexel University Philadelphia


Fernando Filgueria
CIPPEC, Argentina


Reema Nanavaty
Self Employed Women’s Association, India

Charity Ngilu
Kitui County Governor, Kenya

Margo Thomas
Women’s Economic Imperative; Global Solutions Fellow

Franz Gatzweiler
Chinese Academy of Sciences


Yonette Thomas
Women’s Economic Imperative

Zeinab Elbakri
Savanas E Enseadas

Decision-Making for Governments and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Why we need a new Office for Global Risk Preparedness
Partner Global Table: Curated and produced by CRUISSE Network and the UCL Centre for the Study of Decision-Making Uncertainty

Policy-making is best understood as enacted in contexts of uncertainty and complexity rather than as a lottery. Radical uncertainty arises when you cannot quantify which factors are going to influence the future in what way and you may not know what the consequences of interventions are, or perhaps even where and when you can intervene. And in this situation you are not be the only one in a state of radical uncertainty, because everybody else is as well. 

This is the context we are all in today with COVID-19, so the lack of global preparedness and often slow response to COVID-19 is a case study of the consequences of spending too much time discussing good decision-making as if it’s like lottery choice and too little time learning to be “attentive” to human strengths and weaknesses in coping with Radical Uncertainty. This panel explores how to think and to make better policy under radical uncertainty discusses both a proposal to create an independent Office for Global Risk Preparedness to help us mitigate pandemic and similar global threats in future, and the need to reform university curricula to get real.

David Tuckett
University College London

Gerd Gigerenzer
Harding Center for Risk Literacy


Jürgen Jost
Max Planck Institute


Leonard Smith
London School of Economics


David Tuckett
University College London


Margaret Heffernan


Policy Recommendations, Policy Briefs and Articles

Policy Briefs on COVID-19

Policy Briefs contain recommendations and visions and cover policy ares that are of interest to G20 policymakers. The majority of the Policy Briefs has been developed by a corresponding T20 Task Force.

The US excess mortality rate from Covid-19 is substantially worse than Europe’s

By Janine Aron (Institute for New Economic Thinking), John Muellbauer (Institute for New Economic Thinking)

Fundamental Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Dennis J. Snower (Global Solutions Initiative)

Supply and Demand Shocks in the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Industry and Occupation Perspective

By Anton Pichler, François Lafond, J. Doyne Farmer, R. Maria del Rio-Chanona, Penny Mealy (University of Oxford – Institute for New Economic Thinking)

Geopolitical symptoms of COVID-19: Narrative battles within the Eastern Partnership

By Mihai-Razvan Corman (Bertelsmann Stiftung) and Eliana Coraci (Bertelsmann Stiftung)

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Government vs. Community Action Across the United States

By Adam Brzezinski, Guido Deiana, Valentin Kecht and David Van Dijcke (University of Oxford – The Institute for New Economic Thinking)

Infrastructure for Growth Post COVID-19

By Alberto Belladonna (ISPI) and Alessandro Gili (ISPI)

The fiscal response to the economic fallout from the coronavirus

By Julia Anderson, Enrico Bergamini, Sybrand Brekelmans, Aliénor Cameron, Zsolt Darvas, Marta Domínguez Jíménez (Bruegel)

A crisis in times of crisis: Combating COVID-19 under sanctions in Iran?

By Sonali Chowdhury, Anna-Katharina Jacobs & Kathrin Kamin (Kiel Institute for the World Economy) 

Mitigating the work-security trade-off while rebooting the economy

By Tito Boeri (INPS), Alessandro Caiumi (Bocconi University) & Marco Paccagnella (OECD)

Will COVID-19 Remake the World?

By Dani Rodrik (Harvard University – Kennedy School of Government)

The RSA Emergency Basic Income scheme: Cash now for the self-employed

By Anthony Painter, Alan Lockey, Fabian Wallace-Stephens (RSA)

It Is Time To Think Differently About Health

By Sandro Galea (School of Public Health, Boston University)

COVID-19 Calls for a Marshall Plan for Health

By Sandro Galea (School of Public Health, Boston University)

COVID-19: Lockdown exit strategies for Africa

By Stephen Karingi (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa)

COVID-19 in Africa: Protecting Lives and Economies

By Stephen Karingi (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa)

COVID-19 and Latin America

By Fernando Filgueria (Universidad de la República, Urugua)

Awakening in the post-pandemic world

Contributions by the Young Global Changers

Ninety young people from around the world were selected to participate in the Global Solutions Summit as Young Global Changers. These young changemakers from academica, business and civil society will contribute and debate in their various working groups on the Summit topics.

Statement Video on Policy Responses to COVID-19 by the 2020 YGCs

Take a look at the video with statements and questions by the YGC Working Group on Policy Responses to COVID-19.

Young Global Changers in Times of COVID-19

Blog Article by the Young Global Changers Ambassadors

Related Projects by the 2020 YGCs

The Young Global Changers work on projects and initiatives that are pushing for change.

Explore the Digital Global Solutions Summit 2020

You can navigate to content related to the Global Solutions Summit here. Discover the T20 agenda, an overview of all Global Tables, meet the speakers and read the latest issue of the Global Solutions Journal. Also navigate to the G20 Insights Platform offers policy proposals to the G20: The Policy Briefs, produced by Task Forces from the Think20 (T20) Group and other sources, are clustered in policy areas and describe either recommendations or visions.


Sessions focus on the G20 and T20 agenda and also address the political response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Underlying all topics is the narrative on Recoupling.

Overview »


Global Tables shape the program of this Summit. With a specific focus within a topic area they consist of keynotes and panel discussions, supplemented by vision statements. Participants are invited to contribute to the contents. 

All Global Tables »


The Global Solutions Summit is a meeting of global problem solvers, including thought leaders and decision-makers from research, politics, business and civil society.

All Speakers »


The Journal for this Summit provides a bridge between visions, recommend­ations and action. Find articles from academics as well as from implementers.

Previous issues »

Policy Briefs

The G20 Insights Platform offers policy proposals to the G20. It is  an initiative of the T20 Engagement Group. 

G20 Insights »

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about the Digital Global Solutions Summit 2020 and its program, please contact us at contact@global-solutions-initiative.org.

As a media representative please contact press@global-solutions-initiative.org for more information. Please also note our press kitpress releases and comments published on the Digital Global Solutions Summit 2020.

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