Summit 2023
Summit 2023
Solving Global Challenges Together: Towards a Global Approach of Peace, Dialogue and Capacity Building As geopolitical tensions rise ominously in many regions around the globe, the need for strategic cooperation and collective action is now more pressing than ever. Issues requiring strategic cooperation abound: Achieving the Agenda 2030 against the background of rising debt and interest rates; enhancing climate finance against the background of necessary transitions in energy or agriculture; and securing health resilience and pandemic preparedness against the background of a broader assessment of prosperity. What is the role of the G20 toward this end? How can it work in concert with other global actors – such as the ASEAN, AU, ILO, IMF, OECD, World Bank, WTO, and others – to achieve the requisite cooperation? How can it encourage top-down policy recommendations from the G20 to be consistent with bottom-up initiatives of business and civil society?