
Global Solutions Summit has bridged G20 and G7

Together with high-ranking representatives of the German G7 and Indonesian G20 presidencies, almost 4000 digital and around 400 on-site participants from over 140 countries discussed collective approaches to the most important global challenges. Contributions were made, among others, by high-ranking Indonesian and German government representatives, among other: Suahasil Nazara (Vice Minister of Finance, Indonesia), Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan (Coordinating Minister, Indonesia), Johnny Gerard Plate (Minister of Communications and Informatics Indonesia), Olaf Scholz (Federal Chancellor, Germany), Christian Lindner (Finance Minister, Germany), Robert Habeck (Minister for Economy and Climate Action, Germany), Steffi Lemke (Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection), and Svenja Schulze (Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development). In around 40 sessions, representatives of politics, science, business and civil society contributed to the goal of the Global Solutions Summit to improve global governance for the common good.  

In numerous working groups, representatives from think tanks from the G20 and G7 countries prepared policy recommendations for this year’s presidencies of the G20 (Indonesia) and the G7 (Germany). These will find their way into the final communiqués to be adopted by G7 leaders at their summit in Elmau, in June and by G20 leaders at their summit in Bali, in November. Through the visit of a large Indonesian delegation with several ministers, the Global Solutions Summit served as a bridge between the G20 and G7 for the first time.  

We are delighted that the Global Solutions Summit received worldwide attention. The Global Solutions Initiative will continue to support the Indonesian G20 and German G7 presidencies via the T20 and Think7 processes. Their policy recommendations will be available on www.think7.org and www.G20-insights.org. 

Please find the Summit photo gallery and related press releases here. The Global Solutions Journal Summit 2022 edition – gathered policy recommendations, research papers and opinion pieces from various academics and authors is also available. 

The recordings of the sessions are available here.  

Save the date for the Global Solutions Summit 2023, which will take place again on May 15th and 16th in Berlin, Germany! 

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